"I can't bear looking in the mirror. I guess that's why my hair looks like this!" -Lance
"The last episode of 'Full House'. That was a rough one for me. It was a TV show back in the States. It was just rough, when you watch people grow up on TV and then to see them go off. It's tough." -Chris (on his saddest goodbye)
"Yeah, when they cancelled 'Mash'…that was rough." -JC
"I like Garth Brooks cuz I'm from Mississippi." -Lance
"Man, aren't you just sick and tired of Pokemon? I don't even know what it means." -Justin
"Barney should eat all the Teletubbies and then die of indigestion or something." -Joey
"I can sleep standing up. I can sleep in the middle of a hurricane." -Justin
"I'm a hermit. I feel like a monk. Argh! I get no play!" -Justin
"I'd become a guinea pig for scientists studying sleeping habits because I'm special. I have a gift. I can sleep any place any time." -JC (on what he would do if he wasn't in *NSYNC)
"I'd be an ice cream tester. I'd test all the new flavors of ice cream. MM-mmm!" -Justin (on what he would do)
"My perfect evening would be if a girl cooked me dinner cuz I like to eat and even if the food sucks it still shows how much effort she's put in." -Justin
"He took 20 Elmos and built him up a jacket." -Chris (on Joey)
"My mom still has control over me, and she knows it. She'll ground me on the road." -Lance
"We don't try to make ourselves do cute. We burp and fart, just like boys." -Justin
"I will play basketball but I'm so bad at it, and they make fun of me for it, but you know, I like to try things." -Lance
"I'm gettin' jiggy baby!" -Justin
"I don't have a superman tattoo on my butt, I swear!!! -Joey
"JC is a little too picky man. Lance is...Lance is just lookin' for somebody to talk to." -Justin (on who will get married 1st)
"Well, we were all out albino hunting one day..."-Justin
"Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up now. It's not about horses. I promise, this song is not about horses." -Lance
"Joey bought this jacket that was like a hydrogen peroxide Chewbacca." -Justin
"He had the button up down preppy shirts, the tight jeans and the boots and his hair…ya know back in the old
days when you put the bowl on your head and just chop!?" -Joey (on when he first met Lance)
"If my girlfriend were taller than me, I'd start wearing heels." -Chris
"Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up! There is a difference." - JC
"If we had auditioned everyone I don't think Joey would have made it." -Chris
"I picked my nose when I was young so now I have big nostrils." -Joey
"My wildest fantasy is a big pool of Jello...that's all I'm saying. You know, hang out with a bunch of people in a big pool of Jello." -Joey
"I don't play like a girl! I just can't play." -Joey
"I have the worst memory in the world...I even forget the words to our songs!" -Lance
"For the girl who eats everything, I bring you fudge...cookies and stuff." -JC
"The funny thing about JC is...well, say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl on the sidewalk, the four of us will go, "Hey check out that girl"...and five minutes later JC will go, "Wow check out that dog. What kind is it?" He's nuts about dogs." -Chris